Friday, March 23, 2012


Had a blast on Wednesday doing hair for Project Runway along with my fellow Davines Educator friends and Roberto Madera Salon team! So much CRAZY energy and adrenaline flew backstage as we prepared 30 models to have runway ready hair.
I've done fashion shows before but this was the most intense yet!
Awesome to see the finished looks strutting on the runway!!/head2toejo

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I opened my own HEAD2TOEJO STUDIO!!!

Where to begin!?
Choices we are faced with lead us to ask ourselves, "What do I want and what's keeping me from getting there?" Fear is the leading reason most people choose to be complacent and never truly live! Ask yourself, "WHY NOT!?" Why not, step out in faith and pursue the desires of your heart?
A month ago, I decided to take another monumental step in my career and open a Head2ToeJo Studio in the Sola Salons located in Encinitas. This was my first week open and man did it fly by! My guests have not only been so excited for me in this new venture but as some came in this week, they've expressed just how much they LOVE the new place and the cozy, fun, inviting experience. Can't wait for all the little things we still have in store for them along the way!
With just a week to get our place ready, Melody and I worked our little tails off to get things going in style and ready for action! I don't believe sleep is over rated and as I do miss it, Head2ToeJo Studio is well worth the lack of it these days.
I couldn't wait to have my own place to not only make an all Davines exclusive salon BUT... we went ALL in and brought in lines I've been DYING to share with others! The Authentic hair, body and face line. I've been using the moisturizing balm for years as my best kept secret and now I'm able to share it with all our guests!
Our BIGGEST beauty is the JUST launched Natural Tech Line!!! Natural Tech is a line of intensive treatments for the most serious problems of scalp and hair. For years, clients have asked me for the perfect formula for their personal hair and scalp needs. While I've run across some good lines, I hadn't found the perfect fit until now. Like our fingerprints, every head is different and hair/scalp needs are unique and differ from each person. Natural Tech allows me to create the PERFECT prescription for each individual. Never in my 13 years of hairstyling have I run into a company like Davines that delivers it all. Everything I've been searching for as a stylist/color educator and now salon owner, I've now found and am thrilled to share!